Churches and Hotel Keys

Churches are a lot like Hotel Keys! I was cleaning out my backpack from my recent trip and I have a bad habit of keeping hotel keys. When I get home, I throw them in a shoe box. When I opened the box to throw a few keys in, I realized it was full. Those keys represented 10 years of hitting the road and being on site with hundreds of churches all across the US and even a couple in Canada. I am reminded that no matter how different these keys look, they ALL still serve the same purpose. How many times have you gone to your hotel room only to have your key not work? I will admit to having less than positive thoughts when that happens. The key really only has one job: It allows access. Likewise, the church serves one purpose. Jesus tells his disciples in Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Notice how it doesn't say "Go make Members." or "Go make donors." The task of the church is really one thing. Provide access to Christ and his love. So the question for all of us to ask is "Does our key work" People may like the logo or the cool discount on the front but does our key give access? When creating processes and plans to grow your church, don't focus too much on what the key looks like. Focus on what the key does.

John Scibilia